Think Tank and Radio Thoughts on Domestic Technologies for Americans
Welcome to this 21st day of October, 12-years into the 21st century. I wish thank all my online readers and radio listeners for their continued support. For today's talk I will discuss many items having to do with our technology for domestic purposes; entertainment, safety, education, and personal communication. It all matters and it is changing the way we live, how we think, and our path forward into the future. Indeed, these are all interrelated topics which shouldn't be necessarily viewed as separate issues in my humble opinion. Okay so, before we being let me remind you of the format here; I talk and you listen, then it will be your turn to "like" or shout out pro or con with your own opinion - provided that your arguments are not pandering, preaching to the choir or mere talking points of some particular political persuasion - no need to repeat what's been said elsewhere - for this is the place of original thinking and drilling down into the subject matte...